Jul. 28, 2016

This is a message I posted on my Spanish page today. Check for translation!

Hello friends,

I hope all are well and safe. In whatever place you call home.

It’s been a while since I last wrote you, my Spanish followers. The truth is that I lost my ability to write you in Spanish due to my computer breaking all the way back in Oklahoma. It has taken me this long to get it replaced.  I am really sorry for the wait and the seeming neglect on my part. It’s true I have been posting in English for all this time, but not without extraordinary difficulty and stress.

I had been using my smart phone to write my blogs and job stories. It was a unexpected event, losing my laptop to a thunderstorm. But now I’m back online and will resume my regular post in Spanish.  I hope to able to post many more pictures and videos as soon as I can.

Thanks for your patients and support. Have a good night! #Yo-Ga-Fla
