Feb. 1, 2017


Hello friends

Hoping you find yourself well this hump day wherever you call home. I’m starting my third day here in Oregon and writing you from the Holgate Library in east Portland. The weather is about to take a turn for the worst again and I’m still searching for that elusive gig. Going on the now well documented time frame, I should score something at any time, as it usually takes on average three days to find a job.

My Washington experience is posted and well behind me now and I’m ready for a good stay here in Oregon. The Northwest is an amazingly beautiful area but taking any pictures of all the scenic spots has been difficult both in Washington and Oregon. The problem is simply the rain and clouds, and there is plenty! It certainatley has lived up to its billing as a wet and soggy part of the country. I have seen the sun for a grand total of 15 hours, if that, since I crossed the Cascades two weeks ago. I don’t know about you but a desert dweller like me needs that vitamin D to charge my batteries and clear my thoughts and senses after a day or two. The local folks swear that I came at the wrong time and explain that the summers are the real reason they choose to live in this damp, glooming, grey world. No gracias, I’ll take and suffer through the hot Arizona summers in my pool and live with the 300 plus sunny days we enjoy every year. The misconceptions about my home state is that it is all desert and baking heat 24/7/365 days a year. Yes we only have two seasons; Hot and hotter, but that is mainly in the desert regions of Phoenix and my home town of Tucson. The truth is that we have snow, mountains and valleys. A few rivers and streams along with some lakes reservoirs scattered throughout the entire state. We have a range of different climates to choose from depending on your preference. Having options is what I enjoy the most! And no; I didn’t get paid to say that!

Despite being a bit worn out by now, I’m looking forward to my last four states and continue to fight to stay positive and excited about finishing off strong. My next stop is in Hayward, Ca. just across the bay from San Fran. I will be staying at long last with my son and his family while I wait for my flight to Juneau and Honolulu, taking a last dip into Nevada in Reno/Lake Tahoe to complete that state.

It hasn’t hit me yet how much I have covered in the last nine months probably because I’m always focused on the state I’m in but I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to reflect once I lay on the north shore of Oahu in a few weeks. Until then I pray for success, endurance and good fortune along the way. I hope to check in soon with some good news from here in Portland, so until then, take care and be safe! #Yo-Ga-Fla
