Jun. 5, 2016


Jun. 5, 2016


Good morning Friends, 

After last week with my daughter in Dallas I find myself here in the beautiful city of San Antonio. I'm staying with my friend Cathy V from my hometown of Tucson. She and I go way back to our high school days and she has lovingly allowed me to stay with her a few days. Cathy, a member of the world famous, all woman, "Las Llorona's" club, is a wonderful hostess!

We spent yesterday seeing the sights, including the famed Riverwalk and the historic mission, the Alamo. She took me to breakfast at a local Mexican restaurant, although good, I'm yet to find any restaurant that can match my hometown Sonoran style cuisine. We did dine at Big Lu's Burgers, and it was a top notch meal. The burger, fries and onion rings were awesome. Then we ended the day at the Marble Slab creamery. My chocolate chip mint with pecans on a fudge covered cone treat was boss!

So now I'm sipping my cup of Joe as I check the local CL for work today.  The weather has finally settled down and I'm ready for a full week of work! I hear the heat back in Arizona is extreme, which I don't miss at all, but I will deal with the humidity here in Texas.

Have a good day everyone, and stay safe. I'll check back in Soon!


Jun. 5, 2016

Vanessa and I, saying bye!

Jun. 2, 2016

Flagstone work in Plano

Hello friends, 

I hope all are well. I hear theres a heat wave back home in Arizona. I dont miss those hundred degree temps at all! Although I am starting to miss my Sonoran Mexican food. 

This is my fifth day here in Dallas, and it's rained every day. Off and on  mostly, but enough to disrupt my gig. I'm greatful for the job I got, but it should have only taken me two and a half days to complete it. Some jobs I can do in light rain or soaking wet, but masonry jobs need to be dry and sunny to allow cement and mortar to set correctly. The gentleman who hired me is super nice and understanding,  knowing that no one can control the weather.is hope to be done by tomorrow if I catch a break from the rain. Then I move on to San Antonio with my friend Cathy. I'm hoping for better conditions,  although I hear this crazy weather is state wide. Timing is everything as you know  and I just happened to be in the Lone star state when they are getting historical rain fall. 

On the lighter note, I'm really enjoying my time here with my daughter Vanessa, and seeing a bit of Dallas when the clouds clear. There seems to be a lot to do and see under normal circumstances of course, but both of us have a busy schedule to keep. This is the longest time we've spent together in more than fourteen years! She is saving me from a lot of flooded campgrounds and musty motels!

Thanks for your support and I hope to see some dry days ahead. I will post to my gigs page as soon as I complete my work.



May. 30, 2016

Best pizza in town!